Civil War Photo Album (CDV)

This poor album was on its last leg. The board pages were detached and the paper facings were in tatters. Because of the thickness of rehinging the entire album each page had to be disected to remove the original remains of the former linen hinge.

I removed and scanned each CDV front and back for a digital record. The scanned immages allow you to blowup the images and see details your eyes can barely see. Lots of fun, lots of work!



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This entry was posted in 19th century, album, ancestors, ancestry, cdv, civil war, conservation, date photos, documentation, genealogy, heirloom, paper mending, photography. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Civil War Photo Album (CDV)

  1. Cindy says:

    Amazing! Such loving work you put into this precious old album. I found an old album while antiquing over the weekend. It is in remarkable shape but contained no pictures inside.

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