Book Bindery

Here is a bird’s eye view of my mess in progress. Japanese print to assess, empty the trash, a couple of books to be picked up and time to sweep the floor.

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Painting Cleaned

This painting was D-I-R-T-Y…

The varnish was thick and once removed could have been rolled into a golf ball!


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Cloth Bound Bible

Tattered pages to mend….

Spine and boards to attend to….



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Posted in bible, cloth binding, conservation, genealogy, paper, paper mending, reback, spine | Leave a comment

Cookbook Rebacked


The green cookbook has kept its original spine with new linen underneath. It’s hinged with linen as well. The book’s round was easy to reform after the paper, cheesecloth and dry glue was lifted.

This cookbook was a little unusual, the owner was neat. The pages had wear but no food ingredients were stuck to the pages. In other cookbooks you see the physical evidence of a cook’s carelessness bookmarking their favorite recipes. Most of these will fall open easily to the brownies page!

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Simple Cookbook Rebind

A simple cloth cookbook. The book is taken apart, see boards and spine in upper frame, and the spine is having the glue removed and being reshaped. The corners are being splayed and pasted. The boards have had cloth and pasted fly lifted. Once the mull, headbands and hollow tube are placed, I will join the boards back to the binding. More later.

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Posted in cloth binding, conservation, cookbook, paper, reback, spine | Leave a comment